jueves, 2 de julio de 2009

Vintersorg - 1999 - Ödemarkens Son

  1. "När alver sina runor sjungit" (When Elves Have Sung Their Runes) – 4:47
  2. "Svältvinter" (Winter of Famine) – 4:36
  3. "Under norrskenets fallande ljusspel" (Under the Falling Lightplay of the Aurora) – 3:54
  4. "Månskensmän" (Men of Moonlight) – 5:46
  5. "Ödemarkens son" (Son of the Wilderness) – 5:17
  6. "Trollbunden" (Spellbound) – 2:44
  7. "Offerbäcken" (The Offering Creek) – 4:29
  8. "I den trolska dalens hjärta" (In the Heart of the Trollish Valley) – 5:55
  9. "På landet" (On the Country) – 6:35

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